Apr 13, 2009

My Girly Friends

About 1 Friday every month or so, a group of us girlys gets together to chit-chat and relax together.  This past Friday, everyone came to my house and we had a pot luck dinner and lots of fun conversation!  We are missing a couple of ladies, but for the most part, we were all there.  I am definately going to miss Erin and Kristen when they move early this summer. BOOOO!! I've had so much fun getting to know them better, and our group will be lacking when they are gone!  Take care ladies--and don't be strangers! Come visit us!!  Here's all of us at about midnight....forgive my tired look! hahahaha


erin said...

Aww.. thanks for being the one who's always on the ball and organizing girl's nights! You girls are all so much fun... I'm really going to miss you guys.

Kristen said...

Here's to all the late me, I will miss you guys more!

melimba said...

cute cute cute!
sad I was gone! but i was there in my heart! :) you are always so good to get the ball rolling on these nights! TOO FUN!

and, I know, it is going to be SO SAD when they leave! BOO!!!

love all your pictures! you are looking SO great!!!

Brittany said...

what a great group of girlies!! so jealous! geez some days i feel like i don't have time for friends. i miss you seriously. when i think of you my heart drops. i just miss you!!! aren't you coming close to GA sometime soon? please please!

Joan said...

Okay, what? Didn't you JUST have a baby? Hello, hot mom alert!
You and your friends are babes :)