Sep 20, 2010

Utah- September 2 and 3, 2010

On the morning of Sept 2nd, Kate was all set to be induced at 9 am.  Well....the hospital called at 730 and said to just cool it at home for a bit because they were super busy, and wanted to make sure they had a nurse for her.  About 2pm they called and said we could come in.  Mom, Derrick, Kate and I loaded up in the car and were off!  She was all checked in and started on the pitocin at about 330ish.  3 hours later, only dialated to a 2.  I went home to bath Lexie, put her to bed, and pick up my youngest sis, Ellie, who had just arrived from Idaho.  We headed back to the hospital about 10pmish, and arrived to find out that kate was only dialated to a 3 still.  Bummer! I thought FOR SURE he would've been born by now.  Kate had been having contractions for days and we really thought it wouldn't be this long.  Anyway, we all played ipods, computers and generally made fun of each other while we waited.  HOURS later (and I'm very sorry kate if i'm getting all these times wrong....i just know whereabouts- i was going on NO SLEEP!) around 330 am, nothing was happening, she was only dialated to a 6, and the baby was showing signs of distress so they decided to perform an emergency c section.  Poor baby- the cord was wrapped around his neck AND leg, so he would have never been born naturally. Kate's insides were totally beat up from trying to get him out. OUCH!  The dr got in there and got the baby out and both were healthy and did very well.  
Welcome to the world, 
Easton Dean Obrien!
September 3, 2010
7lbs 21 inches