Remember those times when our mothers were so excited for the 1st day of school? Remember when they had those "back to school" parties with the other mothers in the neighborhood? What the heck? What's to party about-- we have to go to SCHOOL. Well, my friends, that's EXACTLY what there is to party about! :) Back to schedules, back to a little peace and quiet in the house, back to doing WHATEVER I WANT during the day (well, maybe not quite, I do have Lexie still at home)!! Yes, I do miss them periodically--especially when I need some helpers around or some entertainers for the baby, but mostly, I love it! I love that they have something to keep them occupied during the day...I love that they are making new friends, and having new I being a harsh mother? Ya know what? I don't care- I like what I like. So anyhoo...on to the reason for this post... Brian and Sydnee are now BOTH in school full time. They were so excited this morning. I'm not sure what they are more excited for- school or riding the bus home. Sydnee had no tears, no hanging on legs, nothing that said she was nervous! Brian acted like he was the big man- being in 1st grade and all. Yes, it was mom who had to put on the sunglasses again this year to hide the tears that were shed because my kids are growing up and i have no idea how to slow down time. How is it that I'm old enough to have a kindergartner AND a 1st grader?? How is it that they are old enough to be in kindergarten and 1st grade?? It seriously seems as if they were just BORN!
1 month ago